Magnum Helicopters Taps Television History to Succeed in Hawaii
Utilizing the same type of helicopter used in the television series Magnum P.I., Magnum Helicopters offers helicopter tours in and around Hawaii. The vibrant paint scheme was offered as an option from the factory when the Hughes 369 was in production and serves both as a throwback to the television series as well as a working prop for the more modern throwback series that debuted in 2018.

Skyryse – Simplifying Aircraft Control with New Technology
Aviation startup Skyryse progresses toward FAA certification for a revolutionary new pilot/aircraft control interface that can simplify piloting and increase safety.
Embraer Files Patent for New Control Surfaces
Aircraft manufacturer Embraer files patent application for new flight control surfaces that enhance controllability while reducing drag and increasing efficiency.
Flaris LAR-01 Very Light Jet Progresses Toward Certification
The Polish Flaris LAR 01 very light jet continues its progress toward certification and production.