Boeing 727 Rocket Takeoff
For a time, Mexicana operated a small fleet of Boeing 727s with rockets. Known as rocket assisted takeoff, or “RATO”, these provided supplemental thrust in the event of an engine failure during takeoff. The combination of high-altitude and high temperatures at many of the airports serviced by Mexicana created conditions that otherwise have limited payload to ensure the necessary climb performance would be met.
Sabreliner: Early Business Jet Mockup
These rare photos show a full-scale mockup of a short-lived design concept of the North American Sabreliner business jet.
The “Hurricane Hunter” – NOAA Lockheed WP-3D
Hurricane research / NOAA / NOAA aircraft / Weather Research
Dornier Do-X Flying Boat
Massive for its day and, with a greater wingspan than a Boeing 757, airliner-sized even today, the Doriner Do-X flying boat served as a luxurious means of interconental travel for up to 100 passengers in the early 1930s.